
Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): RAIS Journal for Social Sciences
Published: 2024-11-24


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The RAIS Journal for Social Sciences is an open access journal published by Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (RAIS), USA.

The RAIS Journal for Social Sciences is an international journal publishing a wide range of high-quality papers in the field of Social sciences and Humanities: Sociology, Social Welfare, Religious Studies, Communication Sciences, Political, Laws, Cultural Aspects of Development, Tourism Management, Public Administration, Psychology, Philosophy, Political Science, History, Education, Human Rights, Women Studies, Business and Marketing, Economics, Financial Development, Accounting, Banking, Management, Human Resources and so on.

The Journal is registered with the Library of Congress (DC, USA): ISSN 2574-0245 (Print) ISSN 2574-1179 (Online) and is published two issues per year (May and November) in both print and online versions.