The Correlation between the Demographic Factors and Students’ Moodle Logs and their Academic Achievements in a Pre-degree Course


  • Komal KARISHMA University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji
  • Krishna RAGHUWAIYA University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji
  • Roneel CHAND Fiji National University, Labasa


The study explores the correlation between the demographic factors, the Moodle logs, and the academic achievements of the LLFXX students. The demographic factors analyzed were students’ age, gender, program of study, and their time at the University of the South Pacific (USP). A quantitative research method was employed to collect and analyze the data. A total of 80 Blended mode students filled out a questionnaire on the Moodle page and their results were analyzed using the Spearmen’s Rank Correlation Coefficient Test in the SPSS software. It was found that there was no correlation between the demographic factors and students’ Moodle logs on the LLFXX Moodle page. Moreover, there was no correlation between the LLFXX students’ demographic factors (age, gender, and time at the USP) and their academic achievements. However, there was a correlation between students' study program and academic achievement. KEYWORDS: correlation, demographic, eLearning, interaction, Moodle

